Dossier dedicated to the OgIT laboratory human. We know that he became one of the most important doctors and geneticists of his time
200cm tall and 180kg heavy, his body is made largely of organic metal. He has 7 limbs and 3 different breathing systems, and has a long-limbed and mesomorphic constitution
Equipped with a five-fold hemisphere brain, OgIT has a mind designed primarily for medical and naturalistic pursuits. Each hemisphere has the same power as an ordinary human brain, making him exceptionally effective at his job
Its body is capable of ingesting and breaking down any material, but once it reaches adulthood it no longer needs to be maintained by external elements. Despite this, the subject is incredibly attracted to strawberries, for some reason
Our aim
We need to rebuild his life, because according to our records he is one of the few people who could have come into direct contact with the entities we are investigating
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In “Images” it is possible to see visual reconstructions of certain events.
In “Relationships” it possible to read stories about his personal life.
In “Skills” it is possible to read stories where the subject exhibits his physical or mental abilities.


This information dates back to when the subject was 0 to 12 years old. OgIT was born in a laboratory, and remained there for much of his childhood.




Or Sergio, for friends
(In adulthood) he is 180cm tall and has a slender and long-limbed constitution; the weight, however, may be higher than expected
Take a look at the IG profile of the model who created the character
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