The stories are very short and mostly self-contained, reading them is a matter of minutes. Some characters are recurring though, and some stories are connected; all of them are part of the same narrative universe.
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Science was getting to a point where both dreams and nightmares could very well come true.
Some locations are so strange that living in them is an adventure in itself.
The “predators” were a group of people united by 3 things: they all had red hair, a perfectly trained body, and an inexplicable thirst for blood.
Some people like to be dominated, submitted and humiliated in a way or another… and that means that some people like to do the exact opposite.
It seemed a day like any other. Then the sun disappeared.
No one knew what was going on, but one thing was certain: the internet was no longer a safe place.
It is no longer safe to be alone in the dark, because apparently that’s never the case
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