Predator 6/7

Length: long

Brief summary of the sixth year of life of the OgIT experimental subject.
Something unexpected happened this year. Did the creature … lay eggs?
We unstitched his wings and small flying insects came out of the scapular openings, five to be precise.
The medical workers got scared and immediately called the supports, but the insects were tiny and completely harmless. Considering the creature’s interest in insects I decided to don’t kill them and I allowed the creature to keep them. I was sure he would eat them, as he does with any insects he catches, but instead he started playing with them and let them fly around him.
The insects followed the creature for days, even feeding along with it. We took and analyzed one of them in the laboratory: it looks like a bedbug, it is as big as a ladybug and can fly; it similar to a beetle, but there is no such thing in nature because in addition to the normal legs it has four very small limbs equipped with… pincers? Claws maybe. And the mouth has tiny but very sharp teeth.
He uses his teeth to feed on minerals, which he dissolves through acid saliva; the pincers are used to kill insects bigger than him and eat them too; he uses the wings to move around and instead of the mouth he has a very small trunk which he uses for drinking, even blood when possible.
What an interesting insect. It is certainly carnivorous, but its ability to feed on minerals is particular.
By releasing the insect we studied it flew towards its creator by itself. Did it follow a trail of pheromones?
Anyway these insects didn’t serve only to confuse our ideas, since they are here the creature has become ten times more aware of what is around it.
We noticed this during the preliminary tests at the beginning of the year. We have again analyzed the level of control he has over his senses, and his echolocation has reached a level now inimitable by any other animal in existence. The creature is able to recognize faces using sound, and very often he does not even need to make noise himself, he just needs his insects to fly around him to take advantage of the echolocation.
His use of wings has improved too. He began flying with his insects during his free time, and became much more adept at moving around in the air. His speed of movement has not changed however, so flying is still inconvenient, but he has learned to use his wings to jump and sprint faster and more abruptly, he has also learned to fly without making too much noise: the hum remains, but it is more bearable than before, which was comparable to the sound of an car engine.
Let’s talk a little about the creature’s mental development now.
He can count with the same speed of a calculator, can read almost one page per second, speaks almost all the languages of the world and draws in a photographic way.
Martial arts are no longer a mystery to him, he has reached the level of all the masters we have used as instructors, there is no longer anything that can be taught to him.
Probably due to the artistic sports that we had made him watch years earlier, such as dance or artistic gymnastics, he also developed a unique fighting style based on the elegance of the movements.
The constitution of his body helps him in this. Tall and slender as he is, moving like that is very easy for him, and it is actually beautiful to see. The creature itself says that he likes to be “elegant” when he does certain actions, ihesays that moving well has “a good taste”.
Even the last instructors we sent him admitted that he is truly a sight to see him at work, but as well as beautiful he is also frightening because he not only moves with elegance, he is also ferocious as a wild animal, he doesn’t have inhibitions or brakes, he lacks any type of empathy and he’s tireless; he can fight without having to stop for hours and hours. Even for days, in the worst cases.
The creature is growing very well, and I am satisfied with this: there are four years before its delivery.
We started training him on organic bodies this year. We allowed him to arm himself with a blade, then we locked him in a room and threw him at the predators he saw in the wild areas of the world where he was abandoned, starting with the dogs and wolves.
We made him fight until he was at risk of death, at which point we neutralized the predators and let the creature repair his wounds so he could return to fight.
The first weeks he struggled a lot against the canines: they were hungry, angry, ferocious and fast, but he began to understand how they reasoned and after the first very difficult kills he began to be more and more practical with his blade, and more and more precise with his movements.
Due to the little use of the wings, too easy to use against wild animals but very difficult to use against sapiens, we have prevented him from using them in this case. He had to adapt only with the use of his four limbs.
Eventually eliminating the canines became an easy task for him, so he began to face more and more wolves at the same time: first two, then three, and finally five. The last group of wolves was killed with an unexpected amount of elegance and theatricality, but I don’t know if that was intentional or accidental.
He even left one alive, he wanted to tame it, and he succeeded. That wolf became meek and obedient as the days went by, it even let the creature caress and ride him.
We took it down in the end, it was bulky and we couldn’t keep it inside the lab for too long, and since the creature started crying over its death we promised him we would recycle its body.
I kept my promise, I sent it to the company and I’m sure they will know where to relocate it.
After the canines it was time for the bears, but the creature adapted to them at a frightening speed this time, he already knew what to do and where to look. In a few days he understood the movements of the bears to perfection, and on the fifth day he managed to kill one with little to no effort.
When he felt strong enough to do it he tried to tame a bear too. The result was very satisfying because once again the animal let itself be tamed, albeit with great resistance. The creature also became good at figuring out how to hurt without killing. When he wanted to tame an animal he simply rendered it harmless, hitting it in painful but not lethal parts.
Often he was wrong, but he quickly learned from mistakes.
The tame bear was also killed. We didn’t recycle it though, we allowed the creature to eat it. He finished it in a single day, helped by his insects too.
It has been a while since I had studied his teeth, and I noticed that in addition to the particularly sharp canines, he also has a really strong teeth. Those are not milk teeth, they are metal teeth and made to destroy even the stone. They are the teeth of a super predator, and fortunately they are still small.
We started throwing something less big but just as bad at him: hornets and wasps. The result was much less satisfactory than expected. The creature suffered greatly from the aggression of these beasts, and during the first weeks he was repeatedly pointed up to his maximum bearable, which often prompted us to intervene to avoid his death.
His body developed a very high resistance to both pain and insect venom, but that didn’t help him deal with them. We also allowed him to use the wings, but he preferred not to pull them out for fear that they too would be hit.
In the end he won the fight in a very simple way: he warmed up his body. He made himself so warm that the heat he produced was so high that it made insects stay away from him.
During his various moments of recovery we also dissected animals in his presence, so as to explain to him what they are made of and how things work inside them. We taught him how to disassemble organic bodies using blades and other simple objects, and he learned very quickly.
His insects seem to learn and evolve with him. They have grown in numbers, and analyzing one of them we noticed that the wings were a few millimeters longer, and the insect had two more legs, very sharp compared to the others … legs that looked like scalpels.
We then moved on to vivisection. The subject does not feel empathy towards animals, so this phase was not difficult. He moves his hands flawlessly, his precision is robotic, he doesn’t hesitate even once and when he makes a mistake he corrects himself immediately and doesn’t repeat it.
After that we continued to clash the creature with wild animals, this time depriving him of the most important senses. First sight, then smell, then hearing. But there was no more hope for the beasts, they had gone from predator to prey in less than a year.
We have thus arrived at homo sapiens, the most interesting and difficult animals to eliminate. Weaker than their mammalian cousins, but much more intelligent. Our creature does not rely on strength however, being still small and low he has a body that, although superior to that of a peer, still has less strength than an adult.
But he didn’t have much trouble killing the first sapiens we threw at him, who were adults (albeit in a completely destroyed state of mind due to the captivity in which we kept them).
We had told the sapiens that they would be free to go home if they were able to eliminate our creature, which to them looked like a harmless and tender six-year-old boy, but he danced around them just fine. His shots were inaccurate however, he did not know where to aim and so he used his intuition.
He hit the lower limbs to bring them to the ground, and once on the ground he hit the throat; against the bigger and taller sapiens he used the same technique used for bears, so he climbed on their back to stab them directly on the nape of the neck. He was fast, deadly, numb, and had a great time during the killing process.
As time went by he started wanting more and more challenges and more fun, but we were running out of sapiens to use.
And speaking of sapiens, they are the only animals that the creature is not allowed to eat. Its insects still feed on their blood though, and after the last few observations I noticed that those insects are actually starting to eat meat too, albeit in minimal quantities.
For the creature he was a game anyway, he enjoyed killing sapiens, and we took advantage of those moments to explain how the body of a sapiens works and where its vital organs are, and in a short time he began to eliminate sapiens with much more precision and elegance.
The hardest fights were the last one.
We used the martial arts instructors who had followed him up to that point as guinea pigs. He didn’t want to kill them, and they certainly didn’t want to fight him, but we made them understand that they had no choice.
It was enough for the instructors to neutralize the subject to gain freedom, they did not have to eliminate him; the creature instead had to kill them, the punishment would have been the absence of the sense of taste for months.
The martial arts instructors had experience and strength compared to our subject, and having not been in captivity for months or years they were in a much more solid state of mind than that of the sapiens killed previously, but that was not enough to save them.
Wolves, dogs and bears also had more strength than the creature, but the creature unlike the others humans did not have to catch his breath after the movements, he could move constantly without losing power, he could jump around his preys for days and even if hit he doesn’t really take damage, his body is hard as a small rock.
One after another the instructors died, crying and begging their former pupil for mercy. But the creature once again showed no empathy, he just wanted to be able to eat in peace, and he actually took pleasure in showing himself superior to those who had trained him in the past.
To the question “Are you sorry for them?” he replied “A little. I wanted to be friends with them after I beat them, I didn’t want to kill them. But they told me I had to kill them or I couldn’t eat. Anyway they were so weak that if I didn’t kill them someone else would kill them, so it’s better that I killed them, at least I killed them immediately and they didn’t cry. “
By then our little war machine was almost ready. He had the technique, as well as the experience; he was obedient and efficient, and he enjoyed killing. We had to make him take the last step.
As a final task we asked him to eliminate his favorite caregiver, the older one. The creature refused however.
Because of his disobedience we deprived him of the sense of taste as punishment, but he continued to refuse. We burned the bugs that accompanied him in front of his eyes and also stitched the wings into his back making sure to put rolls of barbed wire together with them to cause the greatest amount of physical suffering, but he continued to refuse.
We deprived him of all senses, and then we also decided to not feed him anymore, thus making him sleep for most of the time so that we could lock him up in an almost endless series of nightmares, where we tortured him relentlessly, day after day, hour after hour.
Fears, phobias, pains, anxieties… we threw everything at him. We also tried to make him develop hatred towards the caregiver, but the creature knew he was in a dream, he didn’t let himself be fooled, and the more time passed the more his mind reacted.
Eventually the creature adapted to the aggressiveness of the dream world, and after a month in that state it stopped dreaming. At that point we had no way of punishing him except by continuing not to let him eat, which, however, would have broken him completely, and we didn’t want that.
At that point we decided to do something. We chained the creature and forced him to watch his favorite caregiver being tortured in front of him. We told him he had two choices: to see her die in the course of days of torture and suffering, or to kill her himself to spare her the pain.
At that point something happened that scared us: the creature closed his eyes and went into a coma.
We initially thought he had committed suicide somehow, and that almost drove us crazy. We absolutely must not lose him, the company would never forgive us for such a thing.
But he was alive. He was just in a coma. Too bad that in that coma he did not dream or show signs of wanting or being able to wake up. He would have died if he continued like that because the needles did not go beyond his skin so feeding him was complicated as we had to insert the food from his mouth and have him swallow it manually.
So we asked the caregiver for help, offering her freedom in exchange. She accepted even if suspicious, and when she picked up the creature in her arms, he woke up and smiled at her.
I am disappointed with all of this. This is the first test the creature fails. He is not able to eliminate an entity he is attached to.
This can also be good actually. If we made him bond with a member of the company he wouldn’t be able to betray him, for example. But I have to admit that all of this is a big problem. A gun that refuses to fire is a gun that no one would buy …
Following these events, the creature has also become hostile towards our collaborators and other carers.
His favorite caregiver has left. We couldn’t shoot her down because she could still be useful to us, we couldn’t get her back to work or she would’ve made the others caregivers as suspicious as she is, but we couldn’t keep her in captivity or she wouldn’t help us in the future. We thus gave her the freedom, even though we asked the company to keep her under close observation.
The woman knows. She asked help from the government of the country she took refuge in and the local police are keeping an eye on her. It won’t be a problem to kidnap her if we ever need to as most governments collaborate with the company, but it’s a real shame that things have gone so badly, especially now that it seemed that everything was going smoothly.
During the last weeks of the year the creature has become truly unmanageable. He doesn’t want to collaborate anymore. He doesn’t trust us anymore. He just eats and threatens to go into a coma if we try to do something to him. He also forced us to unpick his wings, realizing he had some power over us.
This is bad. We need a way to make him forgive us and regain control, or I need to ask for direct help from the company.