Predator 5/7

Length: medium

Brief summary of the fifth year of life of the OgIT experimental subject.
The creature has had a very eventful year. Leaving the laboratory excited and amused him a lot, and seeing for the first time the world that until then he had only observed from a screen was a unique experience for him, of indescribable intensity.
We followed him very closely of course, and he behaved very well and did not disobey any order. We taught him to communicate with other sapiens without trying to eat them, we allowed him to savor the world with his body in every existing biome, from the coldest to the hottest, and we made him socialize with other sapiens pups.
We did have minor problems making him socialize though. The creature still tended to want to communicate with pheromones but the other sapiens didn’t respond obviously, which irritated the creature and made it aggressive and antisocial initially.
Despite these small problems I must say that now he socializes very well. Sapiens find him adorable because he has a little face that they say is “angelic”, and this helps him by attracting the attention and the sympathy of his “fellow human”.
Let’s now talk about his flying ability.
The first few months we let the creature learn to use his wings outdoors, and when he finally started flying we followed him with drones to show it where to go and what to do in air, and we started training him to use his senses to orient better during the flight.
Now he is very good at using wings, but I must say that they are quite useless. First of all, he can’t take them out if he’s wearing clothes, so they’re unusable most of the time. And his body is heavy for his wings, which is why he is slow in flight.
There are other problems with the wings: while running the creature reaches a speed that flying it would not be able to match, and during the flight the rest of his limbs are slightly inhibited and less efficient.
He also produces a very loud buzz when flying, which prevents him from using echolocation in the air. Because of this, after many studies and tests, we have come to realize that wings are a very inconvenient tool to use. Useful for long vertical movements, but not for anything else.
They are slow, noisy, bulky… a disappointment. They can be used to speed up some body actions however, for example the wings can provide an excellent thrust during the start of a run, and can give greater stability to the creature’s posture.
Now let’s talk about his training.
After the first few months we started taking him to poorer and more unstable parts of the world, where we have some of the most productive bases. We have subjected him to visions of beatings, torture, murder and abuse. We wanted to see how he would react.
The creature wasn’t much affected by the violence or the blood though, he was just curious.
Great. At least he has no inhibitions to destroy or moral codes to violate.
After those stages we started the most difficult phase of the year, that is the one concerning survival in natural hostile places.
We ran him naked in the African and Siberian desert for days, and in both cases the result was satisfactory. His skin, which once suffered from extreme temperatures, has now become more resilient in this respect as well. He has adapted again.
After the desert we left him for a few weeks in the forests and woods of different parts of the world, and even there he did not struggle to survive, he just needed to devour whatever was in front of him, from plants to animals to minerals. Experiences that should have been traumatic have also been far too happy and fun for him.
In the forests, the creature was free to eat as much he wanted, which prompted him to have so much energy that he no longer had to sleep at night. Due to this his body adapted again to the blindness of his eyes during the night, but this time were not disabled, they were fully functional.
The adaptation has improved the eyeball itself, leading the creature to have a view comparable to that of nocturnal birds of prey.
At night he also realized he was making too much noise, so instinctively he started to stealthily move to make as few sounds as possible. Over the weeks he has become very good at climbing and moving between trees and the ground without making noise, despite his weight.
He avoided dangerous animals such as wolves and bears, which he could sense from afar, and used his wings only to reach the branches of the tallest trees when he needed to orient himself by sight. Knowing how to fly, although not very useful most of the time, was fundamental both to orient himself and to avoid the large forest predators.
He also took advantage of his ability to go to elevated places to study more calmly some animals that had attracted his attention, such as eagles, which were very fast in capturing prey while flying, or owls, which were silent and nocturnal just like him.
In that period the creature learned to orient himself very quickly, he learned to recognize different types of animals, he even began to follow some of them to study their behaviors, and we finally figured out how to introduce him to the world without using reading.
Leaves, types of trees, insects, mammals, birds, fish… now he understand all of these things. He studied them in person, he smelled them, he ate them, he heard them, he played with them … Through books we would never have been able to get all this information into his head.
At that time we also understood the true usefulness of his wings. He had a hard time swimming in the past, but the wings allow him to move very well underwater, and by studying his movements I realized that in reality those wings are made more for swimming than for flying. As evidence of this there is the fact that he can breathe underwater.
He used his wings to dive in lakes and swim in rivers, and even if in the beginning he always sank like a stone over time his body has adapted to swimming: now he is so skilled in swimming that he could be mistaken for a mermaid, and he can swim even without the support of his wings.
At the end of these excursions we organized a kidnapping of him, we wanted his last adventure to be truly traumatic.
Before we kidnapped him we sewed his wingspan, we didn’t want the wings to be noticed. After that he was taken to one of those places from which we buy little sapiens, and in there he saw many peers again, but this time they were malnourished and much more silent and sad than normal, without parents and toys, and abused almost daily.
The place scared him. He was sad for his peers, he wanted to help them to be happy like the other sapiens he knew. At the same time he was confused and didn’t understand what was happening, nor did he understand why he or the other puppies were there.
We don’t really know what they did to him in that place, but we made it clear that he had to be sent to us intact, whole and virgin.
And so he was.
We bought him successfully and he returned to our laboratory in a box. He says he has seen very bad things there. He says he cried for other sapiens many times, and heard scary screams and noises, though he wasn’t very afraid of getting hurt as he generally never gets hurt.
He was afraid for the peers that were taken into a room from which they would never leave. He said that sometimes he dreamed of being taken into that room, only to wake up suddenly. He described it as a room different from the others, because no part of his senses could understand what was beyond the door. It was dark and apparently empty, but there was always a strange music coming out of it, and the children who entered never came out, neither dead nor alive; the adults let the children enter there alone, as if they too were frightened of what was beyond the door.
To the question “do you want to go back?” he replied “I want to eat the adults who are there and take away the kids like me”. I don’t know if it’s a “yes” or a “no”, though.
He spent the last days of the year partly in the laboratory and partly outside, in quiet places full of happy and serene sapiens. He has also resumed martial arts classes, and has now greatly improved. The masters say that it’s almost impossible to deal with him now, he is very good at predicting the opponent’s moves and attacking uncovered points, and he has also become very creative. His clashes are no longer scripts read and reread, each time they tell a different and improvised story.