Group Commissions

You may have noticed that some characters, places and events have illustrated images while many others do not. This is due to the fact that an enormous effort of time and money is required to create those images, things that unfortunately are in short supply at the moment.

But I’d like to give each character, as well as each notable action scene, an image of its own. A unique and quality image. And there is a way to get these images at practically no cost!

In fact, a good image, whether it’s a digital drawing or a photograph, can cost up to 1000€/$ or more in commission! But if a thousand people pay 1€/$ each for the commission, we would be able to have that image for practically free.
And that’s what these group commissions are. Furthermore, the commissions are transparent, which means that everyone can see how far it have arrived, so to avoid possible scams.

So, if you want to have some new visual material while supporting the site and all its collaborators and artist, go forward and partecipate to the commission givin 1€/$ for your favorite character! It’s cheap and in return you’ll get quality material!

The system is still in testing phase, so for now the rules are very simple.
These type of commissions remain open till they reach their first point; from there they will close after 30 days, a period in which readers will have time to give bring the commission to the other points. Here are the points:

  • 10(€/$)+, simple portrait of a face created by AI (example)
  • 30+, little elaborate image of a character (example)
  • 50+, elaborated image of a character (example)
  • 100+, elaborated image of a character accompanied by a background (which can be more or less detailed according to the money raised)
  • 200+, photorealistic image or photoshopped photo of a character accompanied by a background (which can be more or less detailed depending on the money raised)
  • 500+, composition of a scene where there are several characters (it can be an action scene)
  • 1000+, compositions of multiple scenes (the amount of scenes depends on the money collected, they can even form a small comic)

Once the commission is closed, a survey will be carried out on this Twitter profile to determine which character to focus on;

The money accumulated is visible to all readers, so they’ll know how many points the commission has reached. Once the work is finished, it will be published on the site and will be accessible to anyone, but those who participated in the commissions will receive some unpublished and private images by email as a reward for their good deed! (example).
Furthermore, the site asks you to give only 1€/$, but you can give more if you want.

The commissions do not only concern the characters, but also other elements of the stories such as animals, particular objects or cities.
The rules are very similar to those for characters, but along with the images, encyclopaedic-style information regarding the subject of the commission will also be added.

Then there are commissions to enhance the system, such as commissions designed to finance a complete translation of the stories into other languages or commissions designed to finance a graphic update of the entire site (addition of animations, aesthetic restructuring of the site, etc).
This type of commission are not currently available as it would require too much financial effort.